
Charging station for electric bikes and electric scooters

Štúrova, Povážská Bystrica+ parkovisko pri Okresnom i MěÚradě


Charging station for electric bikes Štúrova, Povážská Bystrica+ parkovisko pri Okresnom i MěÚradě - Považská Bystrica - Slovakia
Štúrova, Povážská Bystrica+ parkovisko pri Okresnom i MěÚradě
Nearest city, village
(0.1 km) Považská Bystrica - town - Slovakia
Producer / Distributor
Charging station for electric bicycles and electric scooters. Type of charging station and available sockets can be found in the detailed description of each station.
Classic European 230V socket (Schuko) used in the European Union. Please remember that you will also need your charger with the appropriate cables to charge your e-bike. It will not be possible to charge your e-bike without this accessory.
USB connector, or several different types of USB connectors intended especially for charging mobile phones, action cameras, power banks, and other devices with a charging voltage of 5 V and small charging currents. The usual maximum value of the charging current here ranges from 0.5 A to 2.0 A. The most common type of connector used in charging stations is the USB 2.0 type.
An automated external defibrillator is a device used for lay resuscitation in the field. These devices have a programmed algorithm that precisely navigates the user with voice or written instructions, and after sticking the electrodes, thanks to the diagnostic system, they evaluate the heart rhythm themselves.
Locable Box
It is possible to move away from the charging station during charging and leave your e-bike or mobile phone unattended for a short period of time, when you lock your mobile phone or charger to this lockable box,

Nearest services for cyclists

Health services
Doctor, medical facility or hospital. You can find medical help here. If you need a specific medical service for your treatment, please look for more detailed information about the selected medical facility on the Internet before visiting the medical service. There you will find out whether the medical facility you have chosen is suitable for your treatment.
Food sales
A place where food can be purchased or a restaurant.

Charging station for electric bikes images

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